Hey, what’s up, hello! We’re Lexi Sebers (left) and Miriah Viola (right). Best friends, roommates, and heterosexual life partners. We met on the first day of college about five years ago and have basically we’ve been inseparable ever since (like actually… you’ll almost never see us apart). We are currently based out of Los Angeles (for now) and loving every second of the adventure. By day, we work for the same company as assistant fashion designers; by night/weekends, we focus all our energy on the blog and starting our own brand (our label to come soon to the site)…We love all things fashion, health, beauty, travel, food, parties, and Netflix. We could be labeled as sarcastic-lazy-over-achievers…but we’re not into that sort of thing. Lexi is a totally open-minded type-A who may or may not be completely missing a filter; while Miriah, on the other hand, is calm, cool, collected half of our dynamic duo.

We started this blog as a creative outlet to share memories, adventures, and personal styles along the way. We hope to inspire you to live a healthy (80/20 rule, right?), happy, and (affordably) stylish lifestyle. The rules here are simple: there are no rules; so we promise to keep it light (most of the time—we do have opinions and they’re not always in line with the majority) and always have fun. We solemnly swear we’re always up to no good. Please note that we’re making it all up as we go—our motto for life in general, really.

Thanks for supporting!

 Always and Forever,

Lexi & Miriah

Peep us on Instagram: @thedoubletakestyle

Get inspired by our pinterest: The Double Take Style 

For questions or business inquiries, feel free to email us: thedoubletakestyle@gmail.com

Copyright 2015 | The Double Take Style | All Rights Reserved

Any use of images must be properly linked back to this site

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